Monday, October 6, 2008

The Benefits of Vegetables

Eating vegetables is an easy way to help a poor diet become healthier again. First of all, it is proven that vegetables contain a number of antioxidants that may help to stop certain cancers from forming in the body. These antioxidants like vitamin C also help the body to repair after long bouts of stress and illness and help to protect the body in the future. Tomatoes, for example, include lycopene which can even help to protect your eyes from sight problems

There is also the fiber factor in eating vegetables. Because of the high levels of fiber in vegetables, the digestive system can remain healthier and more toned. Just like your body’s muscles, the digestive system needs to remain sleek and able to process foods. When you eat more fiber, the insides of your digestive system can remain clear and healthy, allowing you to avoid issues with constipation and irregularity, not to mention colon cancers and polyps.

When you want to avoid animal products, you have to make sure that you are eating vegetables in order to get the protein that you’re lacking. By combining vegetables in your meals, you will be able to consume the essential amino acids that your body needs to survive. A simple meal of spinach, beans, and whole grain rice is a great way to treat your body right.

Vegetables also contain high levels of water in their structures, which allows them to be generally fat free and low in calories. This is a great asset for those that are watching their calories and want to lose weight. Combined with the fiber, eating vegetables also tends to make a person feel fuller for longer, and curbs unnecessary snacking.

Benefit of Vegetables

1.Eating vegetables regularly in your diet can have many health benefits. Vegetables are one of the most natural foods and contain different vitamins, minerals and thousands of other plant chemicals known to provide health benefits.

2.Eating vegetables can reduced many diseases.

3.Vegetables have generous amounts of vitamins. Vitamins regulate metabolism and vitamins are also used to convert the fats and carbohydrates into energy.

4.Vegetable juices that taste "strong" such as spinach and beet, are high in compounds that should be consumed in small quantities. Dilute these with milder tasting juices such as carrot, celery, or apple juice.

5.Green vegetables include varying amounts of phytochemicals such as lutein and indoles, which interest researchers because of their potential antioxidant, health-promoting benefits.

6.Through vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of uric acid kidney stone formation. Fruit and vegetables provide an alkaline residue by which we can reduces the risk of uric acid crystallization in the urine.

7.Wonderful source of vitamin A are green vegetables, in the form of carotene. The most important source of vitamin A are carrot juice and hot chili peppers, which both includes over 10,000 International Units per hundred grams. Chlorella as a vegetable include vitamin A content of nearly 50,000 I.U. per hundred grams. Chlorella, which is a green, single-celled edible alga, is also high in chlorophyll, vitamin B12 and nucleic acids, which are sometimes known as "youth factors."

Vegetable-Rich Diets
Vegetables that are rich in diets reduce the risk of heart disease, cancers and high blood pressure. Such diets also help reduce the risk of diverticulitis, and protect against cataract and macular degeneration, the major cause of loss of vision among people over age 65.

I will mention a few types of vegetables & their benefit in my upcoming articles.

1 comment:

Dan1658 said...

I can't believe that some people won't eat vegatables. I love to eat fuit and vegatables every day.